Ozadi in Summer


It’s that time of year again…August and 100+ degrees in Austin, TX and other parts of the U.S.  The heat of the afternoon sun means that time spent working in my outdoor office is reduced for a cooler climate controlled workspace in the afternoons.  Just because it can be hot and humid, doesn’t mean I don’t get my daily dose of Vitamin N.  Here are some tips for working with Nature during the heat of Summer.


Work Outside in the Mornings

According to research, mornings are when many people are most productive. What this research tells us is that short-term memory tasks, mental alertness and emotional self-confidence are highest in the mornings. 

Mornings are also a refreshing time of the day and when local birds are the most melodic.  When I pair my work with an environment the reinvigorates me, I am truly more positive about my work and my effectiveness. 

Get your Sweat On

I have a couple of fans in my outdoor office that keep me cool until the afternoon heat gets too uncomfortable. However, I like to get my sweat on while I’m working outside. The good thing about the Texas heat in summer is that I have my own free sauna almost everyday. Perspiring has health benefits ranging from detoxing your body, pain relief, boosting immune system and much more. Ever wonder why sweat lodges, hot yoga, and saunas have been used for thousands of years as part of physical and spiritual wellness? Now, I get that no one wants to be sweating in an office environment, but if you’re working from home or have access to showers at work, why not boost your immune system and detox while knocking out emails or work projects? You can be productive and increase your wellbeing at the same time!

Take a break from work

Have you ever noticed how taking vacation in your favorite nature setting helps recharge your batteries?  I know that is the case for me.  What is puzzling is over 50% of working Americans do not use all their vacation days.  While this may be a badge of honor to some, it is actually negatively impacting personal health and wealth.  From a wealth perspective, unused vacation has $62 billion dollar price tag to U.S. Businesses.  Employees that fully leverage their vacation time are 56% happier with their health and average 20% happier with their relationships, company, and career compared with those that do not use all their vacation days.  There is also a correlation to vacation used and higher likelihood of being promoted. 

Combine these work breaks with time in Nature and you have the perfect cocktail to reinvigorate your mind, body and soul.

I am taking my own advice as I write this blog from Portland, Maine.  My great friends, Jen and Eric, have been inviting me for many years to see their home that is walking distance from the ocean.  I am grateful to be taking time to experience the beautiful nature in Maine, catch up with dear friends, make new friends and eat fresh Maine Lobster.  I’m invigorated and recharged.  I have even started writing again. Nature is a powerful tool to get me motivated and inspired to share her gifts.

It’s time for the Nature of work to be working (and vacationing) with Nature.

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